About Bürkle

Bürkle develops, manufactures and distributes manual sampling systems, filling machines for aggressive liquids and plastic lab equipment.
More than 2,000 products are sold worldwide via our trading partners. Our most important sales tool is the attractive mail-order-catalogue printed in 5 languages, and the internet shop. Bürkle‘s customers are mainly active in the following industries: the chemical industry, pharmaceuticals, food and luxury food and environmental protection.
Bürkle GmbH was founded in 1950 by Otto Bürkle in Stuttgart as a commercial agency for pharmaceutical products and plastic lab equipment. After his death in 1972, his son Veit Bürkle took over the company, re-locating to Lörrach in 1981 in order to start new production there. The company moved its location to Bad Bellingen, Germany in 2008. The site includes a production building, warehouse and a modern office building on an area of 18,000 square metres.
Today, Bürkle offers Europe‘s most comprehensive product line in manual samplers and filling machines. The clear focus must be on safety when bottling aggressive liquids, and on reliable information about quality, properties or composition when sampling. Bürkle products are manufactured exclusively in Germany.
The highest quality possible and constant innovation are top priorities for Bürkle.
Ever since 1994, Bürkle has been certified according to DIN/EN ISO 9001 by the Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Zertifizierung von Managementsystemen (German Agency for the Certification of Management Systems).
Problem-solving and niche products are both Bürkle‘s speciality and the secret of our success. Many products have been developed in a practice-orientated manner during collaborations with companies in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries based in the Basel area.
In recent years, Bürkle has been able to achieve significant growth rates, mainly in double-digits.
The company sets great store by collaborations based on partnership with customers, employees and the management; a continuous constructive dialogue with our customers in order to keep optimising the products is the drive for Bürkle‘s constant growth.