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Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ UniGuard Direct-Connect Online SPE Columns

Clean-up and concentrate target analytes in minutes with these direct-connection SPE cartridges, offering quick, easy connection via a reusable drop-in cartridge holder.

Brand:  Thermo Scientific™ 60311-501

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Product Code. 11584785

  • 4680.16 SEK / Pack of 4
Estimated Shipment: 27-03-2025
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Clean-up and concentrate target analytes in minutes with Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ Online SPE Products. Available in several convenient formats, the columns utilize popular HyperSep SPE chemistries. When used with conventional HPLC systems, columns and appropriate switching valves, they provide:

  • Effective removal of contaminants, such as proteins, from samples
  • Fast, effective clean-up and concentration of target compounds

Thermo Scientific HyperSep UniGuard Direct-Connect Online SPE Column offer quick, easy connection by means of a reusable drop-in guard cartridge holder.

HyperSep UNIGUARD Direct-Connect Online SPE Cartridges attach directly to the switching valve, just like an HPLC column. They are available with the following HyperSep SPE chemistries:

HyperSep™ Retain™ PEP — for retention of polar and nonpolar analytes

HyperSep Retain-CX — for retention of basic and nonpolar analytes

HyperSep Retain-AX — for retention of acidic and nonpolar analytes

HyperSep™ Hypercarb™ — for retention of extremely polar analytes



HyperSep Hypercarb; 2.1 mm ID
Conventional HPLC System
HyperSep Hypercarb
Pack of 4
Retention of Highly Polar Compounds
Online Solid Phase Extraction Cartridge
2.1 mm
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